Schools now have categories: elementary, middle, high or other
School Dashboards now have sub categories: Default (all), elementary, middle, high or specific
Sub categories will determine which schools the dashboard is associated with
Soft delete functionality has been added to various models
New Manual CSV Dataset can be created along with turning of automation for a specific datasets.
Reload from CSV will now keep database table name if already exists.
Embed external dashboards: maybe you have another system that used to host your dashboards? or you just want to include a google sheet? You can do that!
Note: this feature only works at the district level OR if you’re doing school dashboards to specific schools. We don’t have a good way to control external data on external dashboards
Other minor system changes
User management page now allows you to search by first name, last name or email
Permissions related logic has been moved to User management page
Removed old/duplicate code
Proper date format is used when detecting data types from CSVs
Slugs autogenerate if record's name changes for Schools, Districts and Dashboards