Release Notes

October 2023 release: Standard Education v1.2

July 23, 2024

This was a fun release because it pushed out a number of important enhancements to the system. Our goal with this release was to simplify accessing what we think of as “deep data.” Things like “which students are failing math” and “show me the chronically absent kids as of 12 hours ago”. We want to surface these data points as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Here’s an intro video on this release from our founder.

Key updates

Patch to drill through dashboards

This was a critical patch that now allows us to securely handle drill through dashboards. Here’s a sample use case: you have a chart that shows the distribution of grades across all of your math classes. Maybe you want to see just the students with a C or below average from a given school (and only that school). This patch allows that!

Automated Assessment Upload

The automated assessment uploader allows our customers to drop any file into their SFTP folder and our system will automatically pick it up and start loading the data nightly. Right now, this is in beta testing as we’re still figuring out some bugs related to large files. We expect it to be generally available by the end of the year.

System update (v1.2)

We now have Google Analytics and the ability to track logins. We’ll publish this as a dashboard later so you can see who is (and is not) using the system.

Other enhancements

  • Each dashboard has a dedicated URL — this makes it easier to share with others
  • Data visualization enhancements
    • We can now hide cards that are empty
    • More granular control over the presentation on the dashboard

Standard Education is a powerful data toolkit brought to you by Standard Co.

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